Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daddy and Anna Time

Today was a beautiful day to be outside and that was daddy's plan with Anna. He heard through a friend about a catapult(sp) in town where they were launching pumpkins. He thought it sounded like something he and Anna could enjoy together. Turned out to be quite the event in the valley. It was surrounded by kid activities such as zucchini car races, bean bag toss, pumpkin painting, straw hay bale scramble, and many more activities. As they were doing there thing I was enjoying the free time getting a well needed pedicure and some little, quick errands that, of course, go much more quickly when done alone. We all arrived home at the same time and Anna was fast asleep. Good job Daddy! Troy was able to mow the lawn and I was working on laundry. Anna has been trying to get her back mollars and as usual getting all the great side effects. So needless to say she slept almost 4 hours. When she got up we decided to do dinner out as a family which I don't think we have ever done. Applebee's hit the spot and Anna was great! So thankful for her adorable way with people. Also ran into some family while there. All in all it was a perfect family day!

Sunshine and Good Times

Friday afternoon Anna had a special guest, a playdate with sweet little Madden. She is the granddaughter to my Aunt's best friend Edna. Madden wasn't so sure what her grandma had in store for her but after a good lunch/snack they were best buds! It is always fun to watch Anna interact with other kids her age. Madden and Anna are only 3 days apart. Afterwards, while we were waving our goodbyes Anna found her kitty soaking up the sun and her doggy Zeke ready for a little pat so we hung out for a few minutes ourselves enjoying the beautiful weather.

It was a great way to start up an afternoon and finish the day! Thanks for the playtime Madden. Hope we can do that during your next visit with Grandma!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ice Cream, You Scream.....

Anna has had a lot of first's but after finishing a very good lunch and it was such a beautiful day I decided to have her try her very own ice cream cone. Another first for Anna. I assumed she would know what to do but I ended up laughing at her curiosity and complex attack on the subject!

What is this and as you can see she didn't really know how to hold it.... hummm?

Dipped her hand in it but didn't really care for that approach.....

Ahhh, the edible ice cream holder....

Perfection! Delicious to the last bite! Way to go Anna!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dress up

I spent most of my Monday morning cleaning out our spare room closest to make room for all of Anna's old clothes. While organizing Good Will and Clothes Line stuff I came upon this adorable dress. It was handed down from a family friend who has three sweet little girls. It was a 3T so didn't think it would fit her this well. And boy did she act the part of a beautiful princess. So cute!
She didn't like playing the damzell in distress but she wore her pretty dress for hours! Tiffany, great dress!

Pretty's for Anna

On Friday I had to run into Target for a few things and decided to get some fun hair brets for Anna. Her hair is getting so long and we are going to try and grow the bangs out. So we have had a lot of "pretty time". She likes to show them off...not! Too busy for pictures! Got lucky on this picture.
So she was also trying to sneak a few before nap time. Notice her trying for her pocket! Nice try little one!
More! That is what she wanted! She carried around this bag for hours. Don't worry Anna there is more!:)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is a wonderful time to review our week so far. Anna and I hung out on Monday morning trying to make sence of this laundry that has appeared out of no where?:) As of a couple a weeks ago we found that Anna loves the Sprout channel on Direct TV. Thank goodness for that! So much diversion and learning all at the same time! She later spent an hour with my mom and that was nice to get a couple things done. Grandma has been so busy this summer that she hasn't gotton as much Anna time as she would like!
Tuesday was Evergreen Fair day with our dear friend Debi. It was a great fair and lots to see. Anna didn't nap until we got in the car and headed home at 2pm. Such a good sport! Lot of yummy fair food and the exhibits were wonderful.
Wednesday was an unexpected day. Took the car in for an oil change and grandma came and took us to see G.G. and all her friends. They had a special guest, Nick, the Saint Bernard. So cute. Watched the little fish in the fish tank and ate a sugar cookie! Off to Costco for food, and to finish it off Papa met us at DQ for lunch! Anna is such a fun little person and I am so thankful for her everyday! Sorry no pictures but we've been too busy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Playing with the McMoran Twins

Anna had a very fun day from start to finish. Her and daddy went on there first outing alone since Anna was born. Where would he take his little girl you might ask? The hunting and fishing stores. It was great to get my floors cleaned really good and get some busy work done for our special dinner guests. Anna came home fast asleep in daddy's arms so it was a good trip! She took a great nap and was ready to roll when Ally and Abby came with their mommy and daddy for dinner! I didn't know what to get the new home owners for their house so a dinner out was our house warming gift.
This is dear sweet Abby having a great time with Anna and her hair, but don't worry it didn't hurt. Anna played so well with the girls. It was fun watching them all interact. They are the sweetest little girls and a joy to have around. A great visit with the proud parents, Donny and Ami was so much fun!